"Thought provoking, genuine, warm and engaging".

Want a speaker to help your audience to identify ways to find balance and calm in their own busy lives?

I'm Dr Emily Amos.


I am a General Practitioner with a special interest in mindfulness & Lifestyle Medicine and expertise in the holistic management of stress and burn out.

I thought as someone who supports others with burnout that I would be immune to it myself... oh how wrong I was!

With my own personal experience of burnout behind me I now use my skills & training in not just clinical medicine but also yoga, meditation, breath work, positive psychology, trauma informed care, coaching and adult education to support others in living a values based life filled with intention & compassion.

Want to know more about how I can help you?


Professional Affiliations


After years of helping other people with their health & wellbeing, I went abruptly from being a high achieving, results driven GP, university tutor, mum and small business owner to a burnt out shell of my former self. I had always known what I needed to do to take care of myself, in fact I had been helping others to take care of themselves for nearly a decade. But the disconnect between knowing how to take care of myself and actually doing it finally caught up with me.

I wouldn’t say that burning out was the best thing that ever happened to me, but being forced to face up to unconscious patterns and ways of doing things that so many of us engage in- over committing ourselves, struggling to wind down or leave work at work, telling ourselves that things can’t be any different, distracting ourselves with stimulation and busyness- has been one of the most transformative processes I have ever been through. It’s given me a fresh perspective on how to teach these skills to others.

So, instead of seeing my burn out as a set back, I decided to look at it differently. What if this was a chance to reset?


I had sat in my consulting room as a GP & Lactation Consultant seeing the same concerns over and over again for years and I was always aware that I’d be limited in who I could help with this 1:1 care model. So much of what new parents worried about was actually normal and I knew that education was the key to empowerment. So I set about synthesising all of my years of knowledge and training into courses for new parents via my website MORE THAN MILK.

From this beginning and by using the amazing platform of Kajabi I have been able to create easy to use, beautiful online courses to share the knowledge and training that I had spent nearly two decades attaining by providing online learning opportunities to new parents in the convenience and comfort of their own homes. 

Continuing along this exciting new path I created my online learning portal mind.life.me to share my skills & knowledge in lifestyle medicine, mindfulness, meditation and yoga with busy, stressed people. This hybrid model of education perfectly complements my in-person consulting, coaching, facilitation, speaking and teaching.

Over many years of trial and error I have curated a set of business resources that perfectly complement my intention of finding a balance between serving others and protecting my time and energy. If you'd like to learn more about some of my favourite time and sanity saving business tools then check out the link below


What now? 


I have built a portfolio career with a focus on the practice and teaching of mindfulness. I continue to teach medical students mindfulness, self care and behaviour change at Monash University as part of the acclaimed 'Health Enhancement Program' run by mindfulness expert Professor Craig Hassed as well as teaching in the Monash Centre for Consciousness and Contemplative Studies in their course True Happiness: The art, science and practice of human flourishing.

Now joyfully embracing my innate skills in the art and humanity of medicine, my affinity and respect for my colleagues in healthcare has also led me to pioneer the CPD recognition of wellbeing education for doctors via my business Whole Hearted Medicine. We offer innovative learning experiences to doctors to master skills in mindfulness, meditation and self compassion with the goal of improving wellbeing and professional longevity in this incredibly demanding profession.

The central pillar of my professional life is sharing the knowledge that I have spent decades obtaining on topics such as mindfulness in this busy world, stress & burn out, the science of Lifestyle Medicine and the intersection of western medicine and ancient wellbeing wisdom such as yoga, breath work & meditation. Most days you will find me presenting interactive workshops such as my Basic Life Support Self Care® in corporate settings to provide a simple and actionable framework for sustainable self care.

I go camping with my husband and two gorgeous children and strive everyday to maintain the balance in my life that I worked so very hard to achieve.

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